Product Details

Accelerated LTE Plug-In Modem

Product ID

Mfg. Part: ASB-1002-CM06-GLB
UNSPSC: 43222629
MNJPartNumber: MNJ13780845


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Main Features

Certified Plug-In Modem for 4G LTE Connectivity

Stay connected with Accelerated's CORE 1002-CM Plug-In Modem for 4G LTE connectivity across all major U.S. cellular networks. This modular design allows for Dual SIM support with Carrier Smart Select™ that can be integrated with other devices including Accelerated's 6350-SR Modular LTE Router, a compact, affordable, high-performance router powered by the newly available 4G LTE Plug-In Modem.

Accelerate Your LTE Connection Without Replacing Your Router

With the Accelerated 1002-CM Plug-In modem, Accelerated LTE Routers can connect to mobile networks using the 4G LTE standard that best suits its given use case; larger locations and data-intensive applications may turn to the LTE-Advanced (Category 6) version of the CM Plug-In for the fastest cellular speeds commercially available while others may opt for the cost-saving deployment of a standard LTE (Category 4) connection.

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